Analysis of the African origins of CSR : Good governance

Origins of CSR: Traceability analysis of the 07 themes in the socio-cultural way of life of traditional African societies

MODE 1: Good governance

On the economic and ecological level, this mode of management existed in Africa, in the villages, before the Western penetration around 1800. The relationship with natural resources was cultural and not financial. The farms were based on the needs of the families. Africans were fair and loyal to nature and did not waste; they took from nature what they needed. Africans recognized in nature a certain spirituality and divinity.

On the political and social level, the principle of transparency was observed through the values of solidarity and social equity. Justice was the people’s business and was rendered publicly under the palaver tree. The village chief was not a dictator; he spoke in the name and for the people. In a traditional assembly, the chief did not speak first; he let the people speak, before drawing conclusions from the voice of the majority.

This is how the principles of good governance prevailed in traditional societies.

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