Who we are ?

Founded in January 2020, by Denis Gondy, Elone Partner’s is an Environmental and Social Performance Management Agency, which comes to fill the void and/or weaknesses of the implementation of the CSR approach, as a strategic governance tool, the ethical and societal void of the extra-financial rating market in sub-Saharan Africa and especially to contribute to the upgrading of the continent to the international standards of compliance with good environmental and social governance, in the construction of the economic performance of the States or third organizations.

Creation goals

The goal of creation of ELONE PARTNER’S consists in promoting the practices of good governance, through the implementation of the approach CSR, the declaration of the performance and the extra-financial rating of the organizations of public interest in sub-Saharan Africa.

In practice, it is to promote the CSR approach as the main key to drive ethics in governance and promote the extra-financial performance of states or third organizations in sub-Saharan Africa.

Prerequisites for CSR approach

Corporate social responsibility refers to the voluntary consideration of social and ethical issues by companies in their activities. The activities of companies are therefore understood in the broadest sense: economic activities, internal interactions (employees, managers, shareholders) and external interactions (suppliers, customers, supervisory authorities and public authorities).

The challenge of CSR initially stems from the demands of civil society (religious, ecological, humanitarian or solidarity associations) to take better account of the environmental and social impacts of companies’ activities, which was born, in particular, of the global environmental problems encountered since the 1970s. CSR is also inspired by the “think globally, act locally” philosophy.

Operational missions

Promote the interest of the CSR approach in reducing production costs and in modeling the contribution of governments and third-party organizations to sustainable development.

To assist governments and third party organizations in the development of risk prevention and environmental footprint minimization strategies that will allow them to maximize their profits, while remaining true to the ethical values of transparency, fairness and equity.

Encourage and support governments and third-party organizations in modeling their social and environmental performance strategies.

Measuring the extra-financial performance of governments and third-party organizations.

Our intervention's fields

Modeling of the Corporate Social Responsibility approach (CSR Policy)

  • Audit of the CSR approach and conventional commitments (Environmental and Social Performance Standards, Partnership Agreement)
  • Environmental and Social Policy Modeling
  • Implementation of Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
  • Implementation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
  • Land Acquisition / Compensation, Displacement and Resettlement of Peoples / Preparation of Livelihood Restoration Plans (PRMS), Assistance to Impacted Communities in Socio-Economic Reconversion)
  • Elaboration of Local Development Plans (PDL)
  • Quality of Working Life (QWL) Barometer modeling Modeling the Quality of Dialogue with Stakeholders (QDPP) / Corporate Social Acceptability / Conflict Prevention and Management Barometer
  • Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Modeling (SEPP) / Territorial anchoring of companies / Value Chain / Dialogue with local suppliers / Participation in the development of the Social Solidarity Economy
  • Natural Resources Rationalization Strategy Modeling / Contribution to Sustainable Development
  • Forestry Rationalization Strategy Modeling / Creation / Labeling / Certification of Forest Reserves to International Standards
  • Extra-Financial Performance Modeling / Environmental Performance Assessment (ESAP, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Performance Index Analysis - EPI) / Social Performance Assessment (ESAP, Social Well-Being Index Analysis, Workplace Well-Being Indices - IBES - IBET)
  • Reporting and Declaration of Extra-Financial Performance (RPEF)

Modeling of Extra-Financial Rating Indices (INEF) / Extra-Financial Rating (NEF)

  • CSR Barometer Modeling / Social Performance Barometer / Social Cohesion Barometer: Business Ethics Barometer / Safety and Security Barometer

Why trust us to model your environmental and social performance ?

Ethical commitment & Responsibility

ELONE PARTNER'S integrates a sense of ethical and responsible commitment in its relations with its partners. The company considers the citizens of its various zones of operation as stakeholders towards whom it materializes daily its sense of equity, accountability.

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Taking into account ancestral values of societies

ELONE PARTNER'S relies on the ancestral values of the African societies of management of the resources to express its responsible commitment in the respect of the human rights; the protection of the environment; the social safeguard of the cultural heritage of the indigenous people.

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Well-being and quality of life at work

ELONE PARTNER'S believes in the virtues of well-being and quality of life at work; it is for all its employees and external contributors welcomed and treated in the pure traditional African values of fraternity, solidarity. It thus believes in the socializing function of work; and makes it a credo for its brand image which ensures its competitive advantage.

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Do you have a question?

Express your need at social@elonepartners.com
or call us at (+225) 27 22 26 61 58