Analysis of the origins of CSR in the traditional African way of life

Analysis of the origins of CSR in the traditional African way of life, with regard to the seven central themes.

MODE 3: Work relations and conditions in traditional African societies

In traditional societies, work was primarily a matter of human dignity, a means of social subsistence. Today, CSR tends to summarize it as an ideal of the mode of production. Yes, but the ideal of humanizing working conditions is also ancient. In Africa, work was done in a relational network of mutual aid, organized around the agricultural or cultural specificities of each community and governed by rules. There were work clubs for each agricultural activity, considered as a framework for protecting the interests of individuals. This made it possible to socially integrate the individual, to facilitate his or her socio-economic inclusion, and also to share the workload within the community. The way of working ensured the promotion of the solidarity and circular economy.

Speaking of safety, the work was done under planned safety conditions. On an agricultural perimeter, the workers were positioned along a line of physical distance.

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