The objective is to create transparency in the activities, characteristics and organization of companies.
But not all companies are subject to the EPFD. France was the first country to commit to the EPFD, with the NRE Law (2010), whose article 116 required listed companies to publish information on their social and environmental consequences in their annual report (Art. L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code). Art. 225 of the Grenelle 2 Law of 2010 strengthened the system by providing for the control of information published by an ITO.
The Law determines the companies required to comply with it:
- For listed companies: more than 500 employees, and a balance sheet exceeding 20 million euros, or a turnover exceeding 40 million euros.
- For non-listed companies: more than 500 employees, and a balance sheet or a turnover of more than 100 million euros.
However, if your company is not subject to this obligation, it can still do so voluntarily. This will contribute to the development of your company’s reputation and image with your partners and customers.