What if the CSR approach was of African origin?

Some authors locate the theoretical origins of CSR in the socialist writings of Karl Marx, in the workers’ struggle against the alienation of industrial labor, around 1844. In truth, in terms of social ideal, the values of humanization that CSR advocates are of African origin. The notion of POLITICS, understood in the sense of GOOD GOVERNANCE is of African origin.

The IDEALS and VALUES of CSR were already part of daily life in traditional African societies, before the system of governance was corrupted by Western penetration in the 1800s: SOLIDARITY, production of QUALITY GOODS and SERVICES; promotion of SOLIDARITY ECONOMY and FAIR TRADE; support for LOCAL PRODUCERS; respect for COMMITMENTS; TRANSPARENCY to STAKEHOLDERS; SOCIAL TRADE UNIONISM In the African tribes and kingdoms, the people knew all these good practices, under the governance of chiefs and kings.

In the days to come, through the seven central themes, I will demonstrate these African origins of CSR, the socio-cultural correspondences in the governance of African societies before colonization.

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